A tragic incident unfolded in Laporte County, Indiana, where a man from Michigan City is currently awaiting his court hearing. The police have charged him with driving under the influence, which resulted in a fatal accident.
Multiple calls flooded the LaPorte County dispatch center just before 7:45 on Thursday evening, reporting a crash on W. U.S. Highway 12 at County Line Road.
Upon the arrival of the officers, they discovered that both the drivers of the sports utility vehicle and the motorcycle were experiencing injuries.
John Crowley, a 67-year-old motorcyclist, was transported to the hospital following an accident. Tragically, he succumbed to his injuries and passed away.
Alvin Speakes, the 71-year-old driver of the vehicle, was also transported to the hospital.
Speakes faced several charges and was later discharged and arrested for causing death while operating a vehicle under the influence.
The court has scheduled his appearance on September 3, and he has been given a $20,000 bond.